At St Merryn School we believe that our uniform supports effective teaching and learning. Our reasons for encouraging school uniform are to:
- Instil pride
- To support positive behaviour and discipline
- To encourage identity with, and support for, the school ethos
- To protect children from social pressures to dress in a particular way
- To be practical and ready for learning outdoors as well as indoors
- To nurture cohesion and promote good relations between different groups of pupils
St Merryn School Uniform:
For nursery children (aged 3-4years)
- Non uniform but children must wear sensible footwear (see below) have a coat, spare set of clothes at all times and a sun hat in warmer weather
For all other year groups (Reception to year 6)
- Red school jumper, a red cardigan or red school fleece (available from the school office)
- White polo shirt
- Suitable outdoor coat or anorak
- All black shoes/boots or all black trainers with black laces and soles (toes must be covered for health and safety reasons *
- Socks/tights must be black, grey or white (red tights are also permissible).
- Black or grey trousers/culottes/skirts/dresses/shorts* (just above the knee)
- Wellington boots should be in school at all times
*crocs and flip flops are not suitable for school
*No skinny trousers or black jeans may be worn
During the summer months, please ensure your child attends school with a suitable summer hat. It is recommended, to avoid sunstroke, that they wear one with a back neck cover.
Jewellery and visible body piercing are not permitted in school for reasons of loss, damage and safety. There are exceptions: One pair of earrings, which are small studs and a wristwatch, may be worn.
We ask that all hair that can be, is appropriately tied back and natural looking (no extreme colours or styles). We ask that novelty hair accessories are kept for non-school uniform days and all headbands are flat and in the school colours (black, red or white please).
No make up is allowed in school.
Sportswear at St Merryn School
All children may now wear their school PE kit on for the whole day when they have a PE lesson or an after school PE club.
- The school black PE shirt (available from the school office) or a plain white t-shirt
- A pair of black shorts and, during the winter months all black trousers/tracksuit bottoms can be worn.
- A pair of trainers (not plimsolls)
- During swimming lessons, a swimming costume for the girls must be worn (no bikinis or tankinis please) and boys should wear swimming trunks to aid learning to swim (board shorts are not recommended).
All school uniform can be purchased directly from the school by contacting the office by telephone: 01841 520683 or Email: stmerryn@kernowlearning.co.uk