Our Curriculum Approach
At St Merryn School, developing the holistic child is of upmost importance and, with this in mind, we offer a broad and balanced, knowledge-based curriculum, which is engaging, exciting and innovative, encompassing and celebrating all curriculum areas. It stimulates our children into asking searching questions, shapes their learning and enables them to develop into independent thinkers and learners.
The community is at the heart of our teaching and learning, and topics have been selected to embrace the wider area in which we live, celebrating our rich heritage, as well as expanding the children's knowledge of events and places they wouldn't ordinarily visit or know about. We aim to ensure that our children develop the knowledge and skills they need to excel, and become creative and curious citizens, who respect and care for one another and the environment around them.
The topics have been designed to complement and build on one another with clear progression and links so that in subsequent year groups, they will be able to apply their knowledge in different contexts and gain deeper conceptual understanding.
We are proud of our beautiful outdoor classroom and woodland areas where science and the arts come to life.
Also at the heart of St Merryn is the opportunity for every child to shine in the performing arts, through our acclaimed Christmas performances in KS1 and 2 and our Arts Night celebrations.
The school’s curriculum enables children’s learning to be real and meaningful. The opportunities that they are given enable them to develop motivation, resilience and independence; key skills for successful learners.
Please explore this section of the school website further to discover in more depth the breakdown of the content of the National Curriculum into subject and year of study. For a more in depth overview of specific subjects look out for our regular parent forums.
For further information on the curriculum contact your child's class teacher or Alison Brook, Head of School.
Curriculum Drivers
Our curriculum is based on our school vision statement, Bright Futures Built on Firm Foundations.
The Intent of the curriculum at St Merryn is that pupils are driven by the 3 Curriculum Drivers of:
Resilience (Independent learners who thrive on a challenge)
Reach (Happy inspired learners who love learning)
Reflectiveness (Developing a sense of self and of the world beyond their own)
The 3 curriculum drivers are extended to 6 Rs (Resilience, Reflectiveness, Reach, Resourcefulness, Relationships, Risk Taking) in our Learning Power Approach to our curriculum that focusses on children’s ownership of learning.
The curriculum, whole school ethos and daily routines are also underpinned by the St. Merryn Virtues of Creativity, Pride, Respect, Knowledge and Perseverance.
The curriculum is designed with an emphasis on Cultural Capital – the best that has been thought and said/appreciation of human creativity and achievement. This has links to the strong ethos of creativity at St. Merryn School.
Curriculum Breadth and Balance
Our curriculum has regard to the requirements of the National Curriculum in a themed/topic approach which is further enhanced by SMSC, meaningful learning experiences, visits and visitors, a focus on outdoor learning, health and wellbeing, active learning, locality, heritage, and business links.It is an ambitious, broad, and balanced, knowledge-based curriculum, which is engaging, exciting and innovative, encompassing and celebrating all subjects.
It stimulates our children into asking searching questions, shapes their learning, and enables them to develop into independent thinkers and learners.
To find out how we are making the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities and special educational needs, please click here to view the Equalities Statement, Accessibility Plan, Racial Equality Policy and the Equality and Diversity Policy in the Key Policies section of our website. Please also refer to the Inclusion section of the website where you can find an information report detailing how our school identifies, assesses, and makes provision for children with Special educational needs and disabilities.
Long term plans
Our two year enquiry led rolling programme consists of a a series of overarching questions for each topic/theme, which forms the intent of the learning.
Medium Term plans
The children will then explore each topic/theme through a series of carefully sequenced questions (the implementation) leading them to a structured end point.
Please click here to view information about our school council.
To view more information about the subjects in our curriculum, please click here.
Please click here to view the Equalities Statement, Accessibility Plan, Racial Equality Policy and the Equality and Diversity Policy. Please also refer to the Everyone's Included pages of the website where you can find an information report detailing how our school identifies, assesses, and makes provision for children with Special Educational Needs and disabilities.
If you would like to find out more information about the curriculum at St Merryn School, please contact the school office.